Thursday, July 22, 2010

What I have Been Listening To...

André Hodeir, Patrice Caratini, Valérie Philippin & Elisabeth Lagneau

Using text from James Joyce, André Hodeir and friends goes on a wild ride that is a hybrid of big band jazz. Kind of Beat era like but with a twist of something that's current or maybe the future. Hodeir is someone who is very difficult to find information on. A friend of Boris Vian he made some brilliant music, including the soundtrack to L'ecume des jours.

Bobby Toup!

The man who wrote "Route 66" and was the husband of Julie London. But beyond that he's is also a great singer. Well, not a great voice in the trained sense, but the way he twist his lyrics into the melody - and a remarkable lyrcist. Not hip but totally Hep!

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